International Conference on Intelligent Computing
Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology (A), Hyderabad, September 8th & 9th, 2023
All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to any other journal or conference. Only full papers of minimum 10 pages and maximum 15 pages prepared according to the given template will be considered. Authors are requested to submit their papers using the following link: Submission Link (Easy Chair):
To submit a paper you need to have an EasyChair account. Signup to create EasyChair account, if need be.
Each paper will be reviewed by at least 2 reviewers. At least one author of each accepted paper must register for the conference and present the paper.
Submission Format
Authors must follow the camera-ready Word template, available at Downloads Section.
Author Guidelines
- Authors must ensure that the paper is strictly formatted as per the given template.
- All papers must be of minimum 10 pages and maximum 15 pages.
- Authors must mention TRACK NUMBER at the TOP OF THE PAPER.
- All papers must be submitted online via Easy Chair submission system:
- All submitted papers will be thoroughly peer-reviewed based on originality, significance and clarity.
- The similarity content should not exceed 10% (including self-contents and others).
- If any model / concept / figure / table / data are taken from any previously published work, authors must cite adequate reference to the original work.
- If any author(s) is using any copyrighted material, it is the sole responsibility of the author(s) to acquire prior permission from the copyright holder. Otherwise, such papers will not be included in conference proceedings and will be discarded from further considerations
Peer Review and Plagiarism Policy
All submitted abstracts of ICIS will be reviewed by conference committee members / external reviewers. Full papers of ICIS will undergo peer review process backed by experts in respective fields, chosen from committee members / external reviewers. Each paper will be reviewed by at least 2 experts. Papers will be selected purely on the basis of originality, significance of contribution, diversity of theme, approaches and reviewer's recommendations.